Enlistment in the National Guard & Reserves Forces
Why will I need a DD214?
Those interested in joining the Guard or Reserve have many issues to consider, especially applicants known as "prior service" recruits. Prior service simply means you've served in the military before and already have an established military history.
Many people sign up for the National Guard or Reserves while they are still on active duty in the Army, Navy, Air Force or Marine Corps. Even so, you still need to present a copy of your DD Form 214 at some point in the process-your recruiter will tell you when you must furnish a copy.
Most people who sign up for the Guard or Reserves while still on active duty wouldn't need to order a replacement copy of the DD214; but what about those who enlist while still overseas? If you have your household goods packed up and make a permanent change of station move back to the United States and misplace your DD214, you'll definitely need a replacement as soon as you realize it's missing.
If you have retired or separated and there is a gap between the time you last served and your enlistment into the Guard and Reserves, do you know where your DD214 is today? You'll definitely need it if you want to enlist again for a Reserve or Guard commitment. If you've recently moved or just can't find the DD214 you should get a replacement copy as soon as possible.
Since your last orderly room (where you did your final outprocessing) might not be able to help you with your missing DD214, you'll need to request a replacement directly to the National Archives.
You can request a replacement DD214 online or you can mail or fax the request in. Online requests and faxed versions arrive the fastest, those sent by FedEx or Express Mail are also good ways to get your replacement DD214 request into the processing system; know that regardless how you submit your request, the speed of delivery does not mean faster processing times. Much depends on the workload and how many requests are ahead of yours.
Mail or fax signed and dated DD214 replacement requests to the National Archives' National Personnel Record Center (NPRC). Most, but not all records, are stored at the NPRC.
NPRC Fax Number:
Mailing Address:
National Personnel Records Center
Military Personnel Records
9700 Page Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63132-5100
IMPORTANT NOTE: Before you send anything to the NPRC, carefully read these instructions and follow them to the letter.

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