GI Bill Deadlines
Make sure to get your DD214 in on time.
If you are hoping to go to school with funds from the GI Bill, you'll need to make sure that you get a replacement copy of a lost or unavailable DD214 very early in the process. A delay in getting the DD214 can cost you both time and money.
Know The Deadlines
As soon as you know where you'll be going to school, get in touch to find out more about the deadlines for financial aid. Many schools will have a designated VA counselor or financial aid person who works specifically with veterans. Check in with the Financial Aid office or the Registrar's Office to find out who you should talk to so that you can get everything squared away. Work with the VA Certifying official at your college or university so that you can be sure to get your DD214 in on time.
Order Your DD214 Early
You will need a copy of your DD214 to complete your paperwork to begin drawing GI Bill benefits--if you don't have this form by the time you apply for school. You may not get your financial aid in time for school payment deadlines. Every school is different-will you have to pay out of pocket for your first semester? Can you get a deferred payment plan if your DD214 replacement is delayed? It's good to know what your options are in advance, but even better to order your replacement DD214 the moment you know it's missing. Beware the rush of fall applications for classes, financial aid and replacement DD214s! The fall semester is traditionally a busier time of year for students who are enrolling in school programs for the first time. Your application could be in line behind hundreds of other requests during the fall registration season. When requesting a replacement DD214 when trying to beat the school's financial aid deadlines, send your application paperwork in by fax to avoid further delays because of mail delivery times.
How Long Will It Take To Get A DD214?
Although the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) tries to honor all requests for records within a ten business day period, you may experience a longer wait depending on the demand for replacement DD Form 214s. Fortunately, there is some information that you can add to your request that may help. This includes:
- The reason you are requesting your replacement DD214
- The deadline for your GI Bill paperwork
- The start of the academic year or the start dates for the next term
The eVetRecs system has a "comments" section where you can put this information, and on the SF-180 you can make a note of any particulars in the "purpose" area. Believe it or not, "emergency" requests are honored depending on the current volume of applications and the timing of your request.
Check Your Progress
If you want to check and see if your DD214 has been processed, you can do that in one of two ways.
- Send an e-mail to [email protected], along with your request number, your name, address and telephone number and your branch of service
- Call (314) 801-0800 to ask about your form request

The VA One-Time Close loan is a 30-year mortgage available to veteran borrowers. Credit guidelines are set by the lender, typically with a 620 minimum FICO score requirement.